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Job Category
- Accounting
- Admin
- Advertising
- Agriculture
- Architecture
- Banking
- Catering
- Childcare
- Customer Service
- Design
- Education
- Engineering
- Environmental
- Finance
- Government
- Health
- Hospitality
- IT
- Law
- Logistics
- Manufacturing
- Marketing
- Media
- Medical
- Other
- Pharmaceutical
- Public Sector
- Recruitment
- Retail
- Scientific
- Social Care
- Sports
- Telecommunications
- Tourism
Job Type
- Freelance
- Full-Time
- Internship
- Part-Time
- Part-Time
- Temporary
- Temporary
Spoken Languages
- a bit of afrikaans
- a bit of French
- Afr
- Afrikaans
- Afrikaans (Home language)
- Afrikaans (Partial Fluency)
- Afrikaans (speak and write- rudimentary level
- afrikaans and english
- Afrikaans and Zulu
- Afrikaans. English
- Afrikaans(Minimal)
- Afrikaans(rudimentary)
- Afrikaanse basic
- Afrkaans and English
- Amharic
- and a bit of IsiXhosa
- and a bit of zulu
- and Basic setshwana
- And English
- Arabic
- Attended a French Course
- Basic Afrikaans
- Basic French
- Basic isiXhosa
- Basic IsiZulu
- basic sepedi
- Basic seSotho
- basic Swati
- basic Xhosa
- bit of zulu
- Chinese
- Chinese/Mandarin (Intermediate)
- Confident Afrikaans
- Confident English
- Eglish
- En
- eng
- Engilsh
- Englis and french
- English
- English (FAL)
- English (Major at university)
- English (Speak and write)
- English (University Level)
- English & Xhosa
- English Africans and Sesotho
- English Afrikaans and French
- English Afrikaans and Sesotho
- english afrikaans and xhosa
- English Afrikaans isiZulu
- English Afrikaans Setswana Isizulu
- English Afrikaans XiTsonga IsiZulu IsiXhosa Sesotho Sepedi Setswana
- English and a bit of Afrikaans
- English and Afrikaans
- English and Afrikaans and Setwana
- English and basic Afrikaans
- English and French
- English and IsiXhosa
- English and isixhosa and sesotho
- English and isiZulu
- English and Sesotho
- English and setswana
- English and Siswati
- English and Tshivenda
- English and Tswana
- english and xhosa
- english and zulu
- English First Language
- English First Language Afrikaans Partial Fluency
- English IsiXhosa and a bit of Afrikaans
- English isiZulu Tswana
- English IsiZulu Xhosa
- English Sepedi isizulu
- English sepedi sotho
- English Setswana zulu southern sotho
- English Siswati Zulu
- English Tshivenda Isizulu
- English Tswana Zulu & Northen Sotho
- English xhosa isizulu
- English Xhosa isiZulu Setswana
- English Xhosa IsiZulu Southern-Ndebele
- english zulu sotho venda
- English Zulu Tswana
- English; Afrikaans; Tswana; Sotho; Pedi; Zulu; Xhosa
- English; Tswana & Zulu
- english. afrikaans
- English. Afrikaans. Xhosa. Sotho. Zulu. French
- English. Zulu
- English. Zulu. Sotho. Afrikaans.
- engllish and afrikaans
- Englsh
- Englsih
- Excellent English
- First Year French
- First Year German
- Fluent in English and Afrikaans
- Fluent in English and IsiNdebele
- Fluent in English and Yoruba
- French
- German
- German (Intermediate)
- Hebrew
- I
- isiNdebele
- IsiXhosa
- IsiZulu
- IsiZulu and Afrikaans
- isizulu and english
- Isizulu English siTswana
- Italian
- Italian (Beginner)
- Japanese
- Ndebele
- pedi
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Sepedi
- sepedi isizulu
- sepedi sesotho
- SeSotho
- sesotho and xhosa
- sesotho english and isizulu
- seSotho isiZulu
- SeTswana
- Setswana (speak)
- Setswana and Zulu
- setswana isizulu and xhosa
- Shona
- Sign Language (one years course)
- SiXhosa
- Sizulu
- Some Afrikaans
- some Xhosa
- Sotho
- South Sotho
- Southern Sotho
- Spanish
- spedi
- Swahili
- Tonga
- tshivenda
- tshwana
- Tsonga
- Tswana
- Venda
- Xhosa
- Xitsonga
- xitsonga Sepedi
- Yoruba and fluent in IsiZulu
- zullu
- Zulu
- Zulu and a bit of SePedi
- zulu and sesotho
- Zulu English and Sotho
- View all resumes
- - Computer Literate (Excellent at MS EXCEL & MS WORD) - Good Communication Skills and Social Skills - Exceptional Problem Solving Skills - Goal Driven - Good Leadership Skills
- - debating
- - Leadership Development - Group Dynamics - Time Management - Problem Solving - Experiential Learning - Marine Ecology - Life Skills
- • Good Communication Skills (Written and Verbal). • Good Team Worker & Conflict Handling Skills.
- • Good listener with excellent interpersonal skills • Exceptional attention to detail • Responsible
- • Hard-working
- •Keen and fast leaner • Smart
- Able to adapt quickly
- Able to look after children very well and admin work
- Able to manage a lot of work on my own.
- Able to work under pressure
- Academic Research and Writing
- accounting
- accounting & finance
- accurate data capture
- Acting
- Activities (Sport & Cultural): Netball (first team)
- Adaptability
- Adapting
- Admin
- admin work
- Administration
- administration and assistant
- Administrative work
- algorithms
- amazing writer
- ambitious
- Analytical and Excellent Problem Solving Skills.
- Analytical reasoning
- Analytical thinking
- and clientele skills
- and swimming team for both the school and province (Northern Cape)
- answering calls
- architecture (enthusiast)
- Art
- artist
- Athletes 100m sprinter
- athletics
- attention to detail
- Audio Dictations
- auditing and admin
- Baking
- Basic Design
- Bass Guitar
- beauty and/or make-up
- being a leader
- Branding
- Business Plan Writer
- Business Strategies
- Calculus
- Call center
- CAPABILITIES I figure out how to do things better
- Chairing Meetings
- Children
- choir
- choir master
- Cleaning
- Client services
- Co-operative
- coaching
- coming through
- communicatio
- communication
- Communication and working with people
- Communication skills
- Communications and people skills
- Communications skiils
- Communicator
- Community development
- Community Engagement
- community service
- compassion
- Competency and active team management
- Computer
- Computer Assistant
- Computer Literate
- Computer skills
- Computer Troubleshoot
- Computer work
- computers
- Computing
- Concept development
- Considerate
- consistency leadership loyalty hard-worker
- Cooking
- coordinating events
- coordinator
- cosmetology
- Crafts
- creative
- Creative & Able to Work on Own Initiative. • Excellent Leadership
- creative thinking
- creative writing
- creativity
- cricket
- Critical & Analytical Thinking
- Critical report writing
- Critical thinking
- css
- Customer Care
- customer relations
- customer relations and satisfaction
- customer service
- customer services
- Dance
- data analysis
- Data Capture
- Data Capturing
- Data Entry
- debates
- Debating/Public Speaking
- Decision Making.
- dedicated
- Delegation
- Dependable
- Design
- Designer
- designing
- determined
- Digital management
- Drafting
- Drama
- drama & public speaking
- drawing
- Drawing and Painting
- dynamic
- Eager to achieve success
- Easily adapting to new environments and people.
- Easy adaptation to situations
- Editing
- Educating
- Effective team player
- efficient methods
- Electronics
- Eloquent speaker
- energetic and focused • Good communication skills • Ability to relate well with people • Hard worker • Good team player • Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision.
- engineering
- Engineering Design
- English
- entertaining
- enthusiasm
- enthusiastic
- Entrepeneur
- Epic organizer/manager
- etc.
- event planning
- Events
- Excel
- Executive Personal Assistant
- extovert
- Extrovert
- Facilitating
- fashion photography
- fashion shows
- fast learner
- Fieldwork
- filing
- Finance
- Fine Art
- First Aid
- First Aider
- fixing computers
- formulating a fast efficient work flow
- friendly
- Fundraising
- Gaming
- Gardening
- Geography
- Geology
- German
- Goal driven
- good communication skiils
- Good communication skills
- Good decesion making skill
- Good Decision Making
- good in teams and individualy
- Good Listener
- good reader
- good speaker
- good time management skills
- Good with people
- Graphic Design
- great customer centricity
- Great debator
- Great leader
- Great Listener
- Great Problem Solving Skills
- Group Facilitation
- group leader
- Group Work
- guitar
- Hard Decision Maker
- hard worker
- hard working
- Hardworking
- Helpful
- History
- Hobbies & Interests: Music (piano
- hockey
- honest
- Hospitality
- Hospitality and Catering
- hospitality and culinary arts.
- Human performance
- I am a full-stack developer who can work on all aspects of any system whether it be backend middle-tier front-end API's or services so as such I do not specialize in any of those.
- I am a great listener. I am a hard working a loving person. I love life and always live life to the fullest. I am not shy and I would do anything to bring a smile to a childs face.
- I am good at addressing people and i can motivate my team.
- i am very innovative n the culinary arts
- I have captained various sports teams including the 1st hockey
- I have good communication skills
- I know how to put together a team together and attack any problem.
- I was involved in various cultural activities such as music
- Ideas
- illustration
- Illustrator
- implementing
- individual work
- Influencer
- Influencing peole
- initiative
- Innovation
- innovative
- Interacting with clients
- Interacting with kids
- Interacting with people
- Interest in learning new skills
- IT
- IT skills
- Keeping a cool head in trying situations.
- Languages
- law
- leader
- leader award
- leadership
- Leadership - I was a committee deputy chair (prefect) in high school
- Leadership abilities
- leadership roles
- Leadership skills
- Leadership traits
- leading
- Leardership
- learning new skills
- letterpress
- linguistic
- Listener
- listening
- listening skills
- Literature
- Logical Thinker
- Logical Thinking
- logistics
- management
- Managing
- Manual labour
- Marketing
- Marketing Director for AWCA
- Mathematics
- maths
- maths tutoring
- Meeting deadlines
- Mendeley
- Mentor
- Microsoft Office
- model
- Motivated leader
- motivating
- motivation
- motivational
- motivational skills
- motivational speaker
- motivational speaking
- MS Excel
- MS Word
- multi-tasking
- Music
- Musician
- my attitude for excellence
- Natural team leader
- Negotiating Skill
- netball
- Networking
- New ideas
- non
- none
- not demotivated when having to fix mistakes
- offer good service
- Office Administration
- Office Support
- Operations manager
- Optometry
- Orators Guild
- organisation
- organisational skills
- Organisational tasks
- Organised
- Organiser
- organising
- Organising & planning
- Organization
- Organization man
- Organizational Skills
- Organized
- Organizing
- outgoing
- Outlook
- Outsource Management
- Outspoken
- Painting
- party organising
- Passionate scriber
- Pastel
- Patient
- Payroll
- Peer Counselling
- Peer mediator
- People management
- People person
- people skills
- people's person
- Perfectionist
- Performer (Singer; Poet)
- Performing arts
- Persistent
- Personality
- photographic
- Photography
- Photoshop
- planning
- Planning and Organising
- Planning and Organizing Skills. • Attention to Details
- playing games
- Poetry
- Pop Culture
- Positive
- poster design
- PowerPoint
- Powerpoint presentations
- Precise
- Presentation
- Presentations
- Presenting
- prioritization abilities
- Problem Solver.
- Problem Solving
- Problem solving skills
- Professional Report Writing
- programming
- Project Leading
- Project Management
- Project Manager
- Project Procurement
- Promoter
- promoting
- Promotion
- Promotional
- Promotions
- Proof Reading
- Proofreading
- Publc Speaking
- public addressing
- Public Presenting
- public spaeking
- public speak and debating
- Public speaker
- public speaking
- Public speaking and debating
- Public Speaking and pressentations
- Public speaking Leading Motivational Speaker
- Public Speaking/Presentation
- Public/motivational speaking
- Publicity
- punctuality
- Qualified in Level 2 First Aid
- Quick Learner
- Quick Thinking
- rational thinker
- Reaching targeted goals
- reading
- Reading and writing.
- realiable
- reception work
- Receptionist
- reliable
- research
- research and development
- resourceful and organized • Ability to prioritize tasks • Able to work over-time and stay at night • Creative thinker • Respectful and professional • Friendly and approachable
- resourcefulness
- retail
- Risk Management
- rudimentary commerce
- Rugby player and Vice Captain
- Sales
- Sales Assistant
- Sales Executive
- Sales Promotion
- Sales Skill
- Salesman skills.
- Satisfying the guest
- school prefect in high school
- Science
- Secretary
- self motivated
- Self motivating
- self-motivated and driven
- Self-motivation
- selling
- sewing
- singing
- Sketching
- sketching with various mediums
- Social Interactions
- Social Skills
- Software Developer
- Software Engineer
- Songwriting
- Sourcing
- Speaking
- Sport
- Sports
- Sports Orientated - Technically Inclined
- Spread Sheet Design
- statical
- Strategic Planning
- Strategy
- Strategy and Innovation
- strive to better client relations
- Strong
- strong care taking characteristics
- Strong Leader
- strong organizational skills
- Strong Work Ethic
- Student
- stylist
- Supervisor
- swimming
- Switchboard Operation
- System Analyst
- taking calls
- taking on new responsibilities
- Target shooting
- Taxation
- Teaching
- team and group management
- team building
- Team captain i
- Team Co-Operation
- Team leading
- Team Mamagement
- Team Management
- Team Management (Part of the representitive council for learners in High School.
- Team Management Peer
- Team Mangament
- team orientated
- Team player
- Team player / creative
- Team work
- Team work and management
- team worker
- team-oriented
- team-working
- Teamwork
- Technical Abilities
- Technical and logistics knowledge in event management field
- Technical Buying
- technical support
- Technology
- telephone etiquette
- tenaciousimplementer
- Terrific leadership skills
- theater and performance
- Time Management.
- toast masters
- Toastmasters Public Speaking Course
- training
- Translations
- travelling
- trustworthy
- Tutor
- Tutoring
- typing
- understanding
- Vehicle
- Versatile
- very good presentation skills
- Very well spoken and mannerd
- Video editting
- vocals)
- Waitressing
- wardrobe manager
- watching educational and thought-provoking films
- Web design
- Well motivated
- well spoken
- willing to learn and improve
- Work Well Under Pressure
- work well under presure
- Working alone
- working in a group
- Working in a Team
- working with others
- Working with people
- Working with technology
- working with tools
- works well under pressure
- Works well with others
- Writer
- Writing
- written and oral communication
- Microsoft Word
- Good Communication
- Time Management Skills
- -
- - Computer Literate (Excellent at MS EXCEL & MS WORD) - Good Communication Skills and Social Skills - Exceptional Problem Solving Skills - Goal Driven - Good Leadership Skills
- .
- • Good listener with excellent interpersonal skills • Exceptional attention to detail • Responsible
- 2008 Grassland Meander Competition Winner
- 2014/2015 Cape Town Junior City Council Member
- Admin
- Administration
- African
- African Youth Intervention Society
- Aisec
- ANCYL wits branch
- Angels of Hope
- Apprenticed to Anton Smit Sculpture Park 2009
- Association of International students of CPUT
- Association of Nigerian students in the Vaal University of Technology (ANS - VUt)
- Awethu projects
- Backus Breweries
- bhakti yoga
- Biokinetics
- Black
- BLKTS Wits
- Blouberg Rotaract Club
- Bufallo City FET College Debate Committee
- Carlos's events
- Champions Life Academy
- Cheesekids
- church
- CIMA Students
- Claremont Action Netball
- Claremont Action Netball representative team
- communication
- Communications and people skills
- Computer
- Data Capture
- Data Capturing
- Die Voortrekkers
- Drafting
- Easy adaptation to situations
- Enactus SA
- engineering
- Engineers Without Borders-UP
- Envision Global Forums
- fast learner
- filing
- gabonese students' society member
- Gallery Of Academic Leaders(GOAL)
- Geological Society of South Africa (Western Cape Branch)
- Girl Guides Association of South Africa
- Global Enterprise Experience 2015
- Global Enterprise Experience 2016
- Global Young Leaders Conference
- Gold Presidents Award
- Golden key (UWC)
- Golden Key Honour Society
- Golden Key International Honour Society
- Green Peace South Africa
- Greenpeace
- Headboy at Maragon Private schools
- I am very active on Linkedin software development groups
- InnovatorzIT
- Interact Juniour Rotary Club
- Interact Rotary Club
- International Golden Key Society
- Lead SA
- leadership
- Love World
- management
- Marketing
- Marketing Director for AWCA
- Mass Volunteering(UFS)
- MasterMaths
- maths club
- Midrand Community Policing Forum Youth Desk
- Motivated leader
- motivational
- Msf Medecins Sans Frontiers- doctors without borders South Africa
- multi-tasking
- Music
- My hands and heart youth programme for NYDA
- N.A
- N/A
- nil
- Nmmu Geology Society
- Non
- none
- Not applicable
- Office Support
- Optometry
- Organisation
- ourlevel
- Outspoken
- Peer Counselling
- peer helper
- planning
- Prefect
- prioritization abilities
- Problem solving skills
- Project Management
- Promoter
- Promotions
- Psychology Student Association(UFS)
- public speaking
- Qualified peer councilor I have been actively part of the Muslim Students Association Media sub-committee and The Wits Law Student Counsel under the Law Fora and Events Management sub-committee
- Queen's Young Leader
- Rage model management
- resourceful and organized • Ability to prioritize tasks • Able to work over-time and stay at night • Creative thinker • Respectful and professional • Friendly and approachable
- RM
- Rotaract
- Rotary
- rudimentary commerce
- SAIIA (South African Institute of International Affairs
- SAIMechE Student chapter
- Sales Executive
- sasco
- SASCO student organisation
- Science
- SciMathUS
- Secretary
- Seeability
- soccer team captian
- Social Skills
- South African Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE)
- Stackoverflow
- Stellenbosch University
- strong organizational skills
- Studentinvestor
- Switchboard Operation
- Sytze-Wierda Staatmakers
- Team captain i
- Team Management
- Team work
- Technical Abilities
- Technical and logistics knowledge in event management field
- Toad Nuts (Western Leopard Toad Volunteer Organisation)
- Tutor
- ukzn debate
- University of Johannesburg Community Engagement
- University of Johannesburg Community Engagement 2015
- University of Pretoria
- uwc.. way of life church
- Waste Management Forum
- Wits Black Lawyers Association.
- Wits School of Education
- Writing
- YDP ( youth departure program )
- Year of Your Life Gap Year Program
- Youth Leader
- Zoology Society; House Comity in Residence
Job Category
Best On-Line Training EVER! I use daily, really excellent if you want to learn.