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27 Oct 2016

Casual Blog Writers

rentastudent –  Anywhere

Job Description

Work in your own time and record your outings / events! then get paid for it!

We are offering everyone in SA, of all ages, the chance to tell us about events they go to and get paid for a short write up. We pay per word up to 700 words and you can write as many articles per week as you like.

Students, the above is part of the brief from a major ticketing company. What we require is for you to write blog articles (with a few images) on events that you attend e.g. sports, music, restaurents, expos, local gatherings etc.

How the company operates, is you call the blog manager who then approves (or not) your idea. Once approved you are guaranted your money (even if the end article is not published). In some case you may even get approval for access to the events (as press passes)!!

The company requires up to 1,000 blog writers! So come on, earn that little extra cash and gain some work experience for you CV.

Up to 700 words at R0.15c per word.

Please apply with your name, contact number, sex, ID number, email address in the subject line only! e.g. Jason Bourne, , M, 303,

We will then contact you with more details. ALL applications will be considered, but we may need to limit the amount of students, so expect to here from us during October & November.

Last week Mr Z earning R650.


Job Categories: Blog Writing. Job Types: Casual and Flexi-Time. Job Tags: Events and writing. Salaries: R300-R500 per day.

Job expires in 69 days.

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