27 Jan 2015

Shifts Good Counters – Epping Industria

rentastudent – Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

NOTE: This job listing has expired and may no longer be relevant!

Job Description

We are in need of good counters to assist us with a stocktake from Monday onwards in EPPING INDUSTRIA

The stocktake will be for 3 hours everyday for a period of one week to three weeks (Monday – Friday)

You will be paid for a minimum of five hours (R125 to R150 per day)

Should you count well, you will be paid at a higher rate for the day

You must have banking details

Payment will be conducted weekly

Hours of assignment will be furnished to you on Thursday afternoon but it will be during the day.

** Mxit users and Students must register on https://rent-a-student.co.za in order to view and apply for this and hundreds of other student part-time jobs **

How to Apply

To apply, sms (only sms applications accepted) the following words "ST EPP" together with the following to 1. Your name and surname 2. Your cellphone number 3. Suburb where you live? 4. Have you done stocktaking before? 5. If you have done stocktaking before, list at least 2 places 6. Are you able to get to/from EPPING INDUSTRIA everyday (Monday - Friday)? 7. Do you have banking details?

Job Categories: Stock Taking. Job Types: Shifts. Job Tags: Student work.

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