Info and General Requests
As I am sure many of you are aware, blogging and posting videos is huge. The popularity of some bloggers is amazing, some with millions and others with tens of millions of followers! At Rent-a-Student, we work our best to find paid part-time work and work experience for you, the student.
Amazingly we have grown and can offer up to 1.000 positions a month and this has been done with very little advertising! However, what we also know is that the more posts we do and the more we talk on social media, the more JOBS we get.
Thus, this is a reminder / request for all students to re-post, re-tweet, like and generally discuss Rent-a-Student on social media. Today we have already posted 7 jobs for 20+ positions and still have 1 job requiring 50 students to post (awaiting confirmation of exact requirements). Please remember, we operate as a Not for Profit Company and you need to help us help you! More students = More Jobs for all! Spread the Word and use the Student Blog
Evolving landscapes – The GIG Economy

We find ourselves at an exciting time in history, the rise of a new era, the digital era. Digital tech has transformed, and continues to transform the way we do things, and to not catch the trend, would be less than ideal.
Largely characterized by a faster, and more connected, society the digital era is slowly evolving the way we do things. The way we used to do things like retail, socializing, and work is beginning to change, as we adapt to doing these things online, with emerging trends, and evolving markets.
One of these emerging trends (the Gig Economy) is people finding, and offering, employment through the internet. Where in the past finding a job may have been a slow, and grueling, process, we’ve now made it significantly faster, and easier where with websites like, a job is only a few clicks away. What I like about rent-a-student is that it is specifically suited for students, offering mostly short-term, and part-time jobs, it’s not a career move, but it’ll get you some pocket change and give you important work experiences.
Being ideal for students, rent-a-student, is a good example of how markets are evolving to tailor more to the individual than to the general group, but the work industry is only one example of evolving markets, as we see the internet shape the way we do things.
The Curse of South Africa

Of the 26.5% of unemployed South Africans, 54.2% are youths. In a country with such statistics, I think it is safe to say that we are all frustrated. There is nothing more discouraging as a varsity student in South Africa than realising the reality of our country and realising that this is our reality as individuals too. Success these days is not as simple as pulling up your socks or working harder than the rest. As informed as we are, who doesn’t work hard these days? It is not as easy as waiting for mother luck to drop opportunities in your hand either. So really, what is it up to?
Growing up in a township of Gugulethu I’ve always known that I wanted more than what I see on my streets and in my neighbours eyes. Somehow I knew that more existed, “There just has to be something better than this. This cannot be all” I would to think to myself. My mom as my role model and my brother as an example, I decided I will work hard and I would reach the goal that I had set out for myself. My passions, abilities and talents ceased to mater, I just wanted to be successful. So I pulled through. 2am, 3am study nights, I pulled through. I thought I had it all worked out. Hard work leads to success, but I soon realised that it doesn’t end there.
I made myself as well as my family proud and passed matric with a bachelor’s pass. I got into varsity, and the horror of a success hungry black woman from Gugulethu began. In a richly diverse scene such as UWC, I heard all sorts of testimonies from different people, highly educated people, completing their Honours and Masters, “It’s hard to get a job. There are no jobs”. It occurred to me that what I am doing is not enough, education is vital, but it is not enough. Drive carries you through but it is not enough, positivity keeps you sane but it is not enough. All of these are needed, but never will they create opportunities for you. This was one thing I had no control of. I think by now it has occurred to most of us that we have to fight. Competition is rife and smiles for no man. We have to fight, we have to keep trying, we have to go out there and find these opportunities and for some of us, as the likes of the warm hearted founders of “Rent-A-Student” we have to make them, not only for us but also for others and future generations too. They, Rent-A-Student, have brought opportunities to us, we ought to learn from them, and also take advantage of this platform. Utilize these opportunities, milk them, then turn around and create them. This is how we will overcome the curse of South Africa.
-Zanele “Xanna” Sokatsha
– John, Founder and CEO @ Rent-a-Student – Thanks for the mention Zanele, a nice article. Please email your cell number and network so we can send you R50 e-Wallet!! The blog is unfortunately pretty true, but do not give up hope (NEVER GIVE UP)!, jobs do exist and the reason for Rent-a-Student starting was to give students work experience opportunities (the money is secondary, but still important). My advice in these times and especially in South Africa is to focus on the “Gig” economy!! Read about it and write another blog for R50!!
The rants of a job seeker
Being the tender age of 18, I have been thrust into the real capitalist world, which is indeed obsessed with money. Naturally, not being a trust fund kid, I decided to seek out a job with nothing to my name but a decent Matric qualification and a whole lot of gumption. Surely someone would want to hire your dear ambitious elfling but alas the hunt is still ongoing and here are some reasons why finding a job in a 26.6% unemployment rate climate
Work Experience Needed
Must have prior experience
Dear employers, how do you expect fresh out of high school teenagers to have already acquired the necessary experience, if you will not hire them in the first place to gain it. We all need a springboard of launching pad to begin with.
How to curate a CV
Many wasted L.O lessons were spent discussing effective study tips or healthy eating and none actually used to prepare us for the real world. Taxes, bank loans, mortgages, Jobs all very important factors in the big bad world that we have to endure are completely foreign concepts. Thankfully we do indeed resort to google for aid but our CV’s end up being bland and often inaccurate, making the job hunting even more difficult.

Job Search
There are indeed many jobs out there but some happen to be too far, and in this economy I’d end up spending more on petrol than I would be earning.

Lack of transport
You can throw South Africa’s constitution in my face all you’d like but there is still no denying that discrimination exists in the workplace. For instance let’s take sales assistants at beauty counters or just in general, all have to be of a similar skin tone of body built (so I have noticed) and this simply cannot be a coincidence . A personal example would be for a friend of mine who was asked if she would be comfortable removing her Hijab in order to work as a cashier. I didn’t know a piece of cloth on your head could hinder your job performance? These are just two small examples of the blatant discrimination that occurs daily for people of all walks of life and is somehow accepted and tolerated. People are then changing aspects of who they are and compromising beliefs to earn a decent wage and I for one do not see how that is fair or just or equal.
Ignoring Mental Health issues
On the many many job applications I have filled out many have asked about physical disabilities as opposed to any mental or emotional afflictions. Mental illnesses can be just as debilitating as physical ones and should rightly be acknowledged and accommodated for.

Mental Health Issues at Work
This year due to disruptions and protests for FEESMUSTFALL, my entire semester was pushed a month, set to end in mid December . The festive hiring season begins in early December and runs throughout and so as a result your truly will probably be jobless yet again in order to ensure the passing of this academic year.
Inability of hire myself
I am teeming with ideas of business opportunities and ventures to explore but lack the time, support and capital to put these into motion.
In all fairness, I am still thankful to be privileged enough to be able to seek employment and survive somewhat without it and the above factors are based deeply on personal experience. I just want to be able to live my best life and not ask or bother my parents who already have so much on their plate.
I do hope my luck turns around soon , and to the rest of you looking too, chin up, our time will hopefully come (Insha Allah). Do comment down below if you have any grievances to share.
To end this off on a light-hearted note here is a cute koala pun

By Faatimah Essack
University life is exciting. There is so much to do and so many new people to meet. Which means no one wants to be left behind because they’re broke. I’m sure we all troll the web for hours on end hoping to find that one legit job that will take us from broke bored student to the party starter in seconds. I know I have. No matter how hard we try it’s never worked, no matter how much data we use. But I’ve finally found a way into the inner circle. There is a way to earn amazing money, almost instantly, with Rent-a-student.
Rent-a-student is a non-profit organization that helps you earn money in your spare time. They are 100% committed to helping students earn cash and gain some work experience for when we graduate! Every day new jobs are posted and made available to us students. My first time on the Rent-a-Student website lifted my spirits and so I took a chance and applied for transcription work. I’m so amazed to say I actually got paid! From then on I have become fascinated with working hard and knowing that at the end of the day they appreciate my effort and actually reward me for a job well done. They aren’t like the big bad world out there; Rent-a-Student gives you a chance even before you’ve graduated!
By Mohini Manisunker
The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is the government student bursary and loan scheme that receives its funding budget from, and reports to the Department of Higher Education and Training.
The scheme was established in terms of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme Act 56 of 1999.
NSFAS provide financial assistance in the form of bursaries and loans to eligible students at public universities and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges in South Africa.
NSFAS administer such bursaries and loans, and recover the loans from students once they have graduated and are employed.
NSFAS also raises funds in order to increase the funding pool for student bursaries and loans.
Getting a Bursary

Getting a bursary is getting harder year by year as more and more students compete for the same assistance. While there is no way to guarantee that you get selected, there are a few things that you can do to improve your chances.
Apply early
Don’t wait till you reach your matric year to look for financial aid opportunities.
By the time you enter Grade 10 you should have started to think seriously about potential careers.
Research which higher education institutions offer study programmes that correspond with your career choice.
Find out about entrance requirements, course fees and funding opportunities and apply for these as soon as possible.
Early application also eliminates the stress often caused by postponing such an important task.
Work hard at school
Don’t make the minimum entrance requirements for a study programme your academic goal.
Go beyond what is expected.
The quickest way to get the attention of a company or potential benefactor is through your marks.
Sponsors are not only looking for the most disadvantaged student.
They want to select a student that is going to make a positive contribution to society.
Show interest in your community
As mentioned before your success is not merely determined by the actual application process but rather by the work you do before you apply.
In some cases applicants will be required to provide relevant real life examples of where they have demonstrated initiative, determination and hard work.
Using community work as a reference is a good way to show these traits.
Displaying entrepreneurial and leadership qualities outside of school will set you apart from other applicants.
Make a point of participating in community work or extra mural activities that will enhance your application.
Follow application directions
Different companies offer different types of bursary opportunities at different times during the year.
Find out in advance which legal documents must be included and where to apply for the bursary.
You may need to certify documents which will require additional time and effort.
In most cases you will be asked to fill out a bursary form and return it via post, email or through an online application process.
Whether or not you are selected to receive a particular bursary it always pays to do your research, be prepared and work hard.
There may be a different opportunity waiting for you on the horizon.
Funding Institutions:
Eduloan –
National Career Advice Helpline.
National Youth Development Agency-
National Student Financial Aid Scheme –

Students, in partnership with eStudy, we are pleased to announce the following FREE SOCIO ECONOMIC/SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT COURSES – perhaps complete some over the holiday period?
There are 20 vouchers available to conduct 1 or more of the following courses (Learners can opt how many courses to enroll for):
1. Developing your leadership skills – 5 hours – 1 point
2. Managing for the first time – 13 hours – 3 points
3. Managing your time and priorities – 5 hours – 1 point
4. Be a great team player – 16 hours – 4 points
5. Managing conflicts – 6 hours – 1 point
6. Ethics and Social Responsibility Awareness – 7 hours – 1 point
7. Self-Awareness and Decision Making-Skills – 7 hours – 1 point
All the above courses are CPD Accredited by the SABPP and learners will receive their certificate the month after completing the course. For any of the above courses, eStudy will not charge the student additional services/fees.
Students will have 12 months from date of registration to complete the above course/courses.
Should you wish to be considered for the above free courses, please contact with motivation and CV – use subject “eStudy Courses” – please make sure you will use this valuable asset as places are limited for now to 20.

Higher Education and Training Minister, Dr Blade Nzimande, has identified short to medium term, and long term plans, as part of the roadmap, to transform post-school education and training.
Addressing the National Assembly on the current university situation, Minister Nzimande said in the short term, government has announced a number of interventions to assist students who come from poor and middle class families, and for the first time in the history of post-school education, the so-called “missing middle”.
All students from “missing middle” families will experience a no fee increase in the 2017 academic year. “This means it is no fee increment in 2017 for this category of students. This will benefit more than 75% of university and college students, and in some institutions, more than 90% of students will benefit,” said Minister Nzimande.
“We have also gone further and made arrangements through the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) to pay the registration fees for all NSFAS funded students as an upfront payment to universities and Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges in January each year.
“Therefore, NSFAS qualifying students will not pay any registration or upfront fees in 2017. Students from households with an annual family income of up to R600 000, i.e. the ‘missing middle’ will be allowed to register without paying any upfront or registration fees in 2017,” Minister Nzimande said.
He said government has also addressed the issues of historical debt of students, and all NSFAS qualifying students who are registered in 2016, having historical student debt with institutions of higher education, will be allowed to register in 2017.
“All universities will ensure that ‘missing middle’ students who have historical student debt are not excluded on the basis of debt and will also be allowed to register in 2017.
“We also wish to draw to the attention of students who are still studying or are in their first year of employment, that NSFAS will only collect debt from all graduates a year after they finished their studies.”
Long term plan
For the long term, Minister Nzimande said the department has recently received a report from the Chairperson of the NSFAS Board, Sizwe Nxasana, on the development of support and funding model for poor and “missing middle” students.
He said the report will go a long way in not only addressing the funding problems by poor and “missing middle” students, but also in addressing among other challenges the NSFAS model itself.
“The report also received the backing from a range of stakeholders including business leaders who are part of the solution and will improve the partnership between government, the private sector and higher education institutions.”
The department is processing the report and will be presented to Cabinet for consideration and decision.
Draft Policy, Revised Funding Framework for Universities
Meanwhile, Minister Nzimande said the department is processing a draft Policy and Revised Funding Framework for Universities, which emanated from the recommendations of the report from the Ministerial Committee on the Review of the Funding of Universities, which was led by the now Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa.
The report reviews the experiences of six years of partial and full implementation of the current funding framework for universities. It also analyses the current funding framework to determine whether it has functioned effectively in achieving the goals set for it at its inception.
Commission of Inquiry
The Minister said the Commission of Inquiry established by President Jacob Zuma to inquire into, report on and make recommendations on the feasibility of a fee free higher education and training, continues to do its work and has undertaken to release its preliminary report in November 2016.
“We call on all stakeholders to provide support to enable the Commission to speedily conclude its work so that it can contribute to finding long-term solutions.” –

Students, we continue to grow, both in terms of the number of students and the number of positions available for students to work part-time. With all the “no fees” protests, it is a pleasure that some students (YOU) are willing to work to get through studies. In fact, it is proven that a part-time job benefits students in many ways. Good for YOU! Pity that the powers that be are not supporting us as a Non-Profit Company, but, as stated we are helping more students daily.
Rent-a-Student now has agreements with several Exhibition Organising companies, large business and as you know transcription services along with other “work from home” opportunities. We have also added web design work and bloggers to our growing list of services during the winter .. brrrrr….
Now, we look forward to summer, and historically, this is “Silly Season” i.e. we go bonkers as more and more work requests pour in! So .. complete the form below to be front of queue. If you have students friends and even siblings aged 17+ get them to join us by registering. Finally, we are just over 1,000 likes short of 50,000 and would love to hit that milestone – get liking us please 🙂 and make some social media noise!!! … Finally, finally, speak to your parents and other business owners, maybe some of them have been thinking to hire students but just do not know how to go about it? They can contact us directly anytime