Being cashless on campus!!
University life is exciting. There is so much to do and so many new people to meet. Which means no one wants to be left behind because they’re broke. I’m sure we all troll the web for hours on end hoping to find that one legit job that will take us from broke bored student to the party starter in seconds. I know I have. No matter how hard we try it’s never worked, no matter how much data we use. But I’ve finally found a way into the inner circle. There is a way to earn amazing money, almost instantly, with Rent-a-student.
Rent-a-student is a non-profit organization that helps you earn money in your spare time. They are 100% committed to helping students earn cash and gain some work experience for when we graduate! Every day new jobs are posted and made available to us students. My first time on the Rent-a-Student website lifted my spirits and so I took a chance and applied for transcription work. I’m so amazed to say I actually got paid! From then on I have become fascinated with working hard and knowing that at the end of the day they appreciate my effort and actually reward me for a job well done. They aren’t like the big bad world out there; Rent-a-Student gives you a chance even before you’ve graduated!
By Mohini Manisunker
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